Supporting adults with drug use

If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drug use, we are here to help.

Whether you used drugs recreationally and it got a little out of hand, or if your drug use has impacted on your own life and relationships with those around you, we can help you cut down or stop altogether.

How we support you

One of the great things about Inclusion Recovery Hampshire (IRH) is that we actively involve you in your own recovery planning. We believe you can make changes for the better, and we know the best way to support you with your drug use is by listening to what you want, together with our knowledge and experience of what works.

Drug treatment options

We have a variety of treatment options available to support with drug use. We offer online support, groups and workshops, counselling, 1:1 support, clinical treatment such as opiate substitute prescribing and detox, rehab placements, naloxone training and distribution, a Needle Syringe Programme and more.

Your Recovery Worker will work closely with you to set up a care plan to help you achieve your goals, and this will be reviewed regularly with you throughout your treatment.


Accessing our service for drug support

Realising you have a problem with drugs is the first big step to getting help.

For free, confidential and non-judgemental support, you can refer yourself online via our website.

If you are a professional wanting to make a referral on someone’s behalf (with their consent), you can do this online too.