Are you struggling to find or keep employment because of your drug or alcohol use?

The Peer Mentor Programme Team are based within Inclusion and Job Centres, and provide substance use support to anyone who feels this is a barrier that is stopping them from keeping or starting employment, training or education.

A Peer Mentor will offer you non-judgemental support and help you engage with the Job Centre. They are people with lived experience of drug and alcohol use and can help you identify the steps to overcome your own use, as well as helping you engage with other services that can support you.

Access our support

  1. You can refer yourself by calling us on 0300 124 0103
  2. You can email us on

For those who are on Universal Credit or other qualifying DWP benefits, the quickest way to access the service is to speak to your Work Coach. Alternatively, you can ask your Alcohol and Drugs Support Worker. Use the contact details above for advice on how to access our support.