No Wrong Door, also known as the Co-occurring Conditions Specialist Team, work across the county to bridge the gap for those needing support for both substance use and mental health.

We understand many people experiencing mental health conditions use substances to cope with their emotions and this should not be a barrier to accessing mental health services. The team will advocate for you and work with primary and secondary mental health services to put in place any support you may need.

What is meant by a co-occurring condition?

If you are experiencing mental health difficulties and also using substances such as alcohol or drugs, you have a co-occurring condition. This means you have more than one factor you need support with.

You may be using substances to manage your feelings, or your mental health difficulties could have started from using drugs or alcohol. It doesn’t matter what came first.

You could have already spoken to your GP about the way you are feeling, and could have already been referred for support with your mental health. In the past, people using substances have been told they can’t access mental health services whilst they are using them. This has changed, and the No Wrong Door Team are here to help you to access the support you need!

What are mental health difficulties?

This is a term used for a wide range of conditions that involves changes in your mood, emotions, thinking and/or behaviour. Some conditions are more common such as anxiety and depression.

What happens if I access No Wrong Door?

Tell us if you have a mental health condition alongside your use of substances and we’ll decide with you whether a joint assessment with mental health services is best for you at this time.

If it is, then we will all meet and agree a Care Plan with some goals and we support you to achieve these goals and make sure that you receive the support you need… it’s that simple!

What should I do next?

Speak to your recovery worker or other health professional and ask them to refer you to No Wrong Door. We will contact you to discuss whether a joint assessment is appropriate. This assessment may involve CMHT, Talking Therapies, or other mental health support sources.

If No Wrong Door is not right for you, then we will suggest another way to support you.