Inclusion offers the benefits of working for the NHS alongside the innovation and enterprise are associated with a service within a highly performing foundation trust. We employ over 650 staff and welcome applications from people from all backgrounds who share our ambition and are motivated to work enthusiastically and respectfully with those we support.

“Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust achieves the highest standards in terms of the demonstrable quality, innovation and corporate and clinical governance standards.”

Current job vacancies all Inclusion vacancies are advertised on (use the filter section on advanced search for employer “Inclusion”)

See what our staff have to say...

  • In many other organisations, administrators are often seen as ‘just admin’, however, at Inclusion, everyone is recognised as a valuable team member, regardless of their role. I work in a welcoming, supportive atmosphere where my efforts are appreciated, and my growth is encouraged. The privilege of contributing to our Service Users’ journey, no matter how small the role, is the most fulfilling aspect of working with Inclusion

    - Amy Rennison – Lead Administrator, Inclusion Hampshire
  • My role in inclusion allows me to work meaningfully with service users which would be unlikely in other organisations.

    - Dave Myers - Counsellor
  • I love my job, I am able to support people make life changing steps in recovery from addiction, it is the best feeling to see a person flourish and be well.  I am also so lucky to be able to positively influence other professionals to see the person, not the addiction.

    - Carly Goodson – Clinical Lead for Inclusion Hampshire and NMP